Testabol Propionate British Dragon (100 mg/ml) 10 ml

€ 19.00

New product

Product: Testabol Propionate
Manufacturer: British Dragon
Quantity: 100 mg/ml
Pack: 10 ml

Steroid cycle: cutting, bulking

Active substance: Testosterone Propionate

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 Test-prop 100 (100 mg/ml) 10 ml

 Description: Test-Prop 100, Testosterone propionate, anabolic and androgenic steroid is a rapid-acting 100 mg/ml, 10 ml, is a bodybuilding steroid manufactured by British laboratories, Active ingredient is testosterone propionate.

 Testosterone Propionate is Widely utilized as in lifting weights steroid Test-Prop 100 that is taken in relatively every cycle. Being the essential steroid, this medication has vital effect in the development and advancement of body muscles. A Test-Prop 100 prominent testosterone compound, understood between weight lifters/athletes with Testosterone propionate. It speaks to an oil-based Test-Prop 100 injectable steroid. Testosterone propionate is thinking about being a standout amongst the best arrangements for weight and quality muscles.


 Test-Prop 100 Propionate is one of the shortest ester, with active life of 2-3 days, that does not mean that it is not efficient. It is the same efficient Test-Prop 100 as other long acting testosterone. The positive side is that it will release more quickly into the Bloodstream, which will produce quick Test-Prop 100 gains in strength and size. Being short acting Testosterone propionate also leaves the body quickly, which means that your body can begin to recover from side effects more quickly. Its detection time is about 2-3 weeks. Testosterone propionate is also low on toxic liver. There is Often the cause of many side effects dry as gynecomastia, water retention, hair loss and prostate enlargement. Although it was noticed that when Compared to other Testosterone Propionate this side effects are milder. In order to obtain better results Test-Prop 100 in gaining mass and strength bodybuilders / athletes chose to stack it with stanozolol, trenbolone, nandrolone, oxymetholone, oxandrolone Test-Prop 100 and methandrostenolone.


 Recommended dose for male sportsmen is 50mg-150mg per day. Testosterone propionate is Often used among female bodybuilders, because blood levels are easier Test-Prop 100 to control with it Compared to other esters. Recommended dose is 25-50mg per day and should be Administered every 5-7 days. The duration of Their cycle should not Exceed 8 weeks.As any form of testosterone, testosterone propionate is partially converted to both estrogen and Test-Prop 100 Dihydrotestosterone. 


  1.      This medicine does have potent anabolic activity and low androgenic activity and is useful for building body mass.
  2.      It can also cause a significant retention of water and sodium at high doses. Like all anabolic steroids it increases nitrogen balance and protein synthesis. 
  3.      A moderate increase in muscle mass.
  4.      Increase power performance.
  5.      The lack of aromatization (conversion into estrogen).
  6.      Increased appetite.
  7.      Improve vascularity of the muscles.
  8.      The increase in the number of red blood cells. Simulation production of red blood cells leads to the fact that muscles get more oxygen and can go longer without decay.

 Where to buy?

This product is available at our online store at http://isteroidi.it! Here customers not only a wide range of sports pharmacology, and quality service for their purchase. We can without undue risk and at a fair price to acquire anabolic steroids, peptides, fat burners, anti-estrogens, even dietary supplements. You are always welcome!


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Testabol Propionate British Dragon (100 mg/ml) 10 ml

Testabol Propionate British Dragon (100 mg/ml) 10 ml

Product: Testabol Propionate
Manufacturer: British Dragon
Quantity: 100 mg/ml
Pack: 10 ml

Steroid cycle: cutting, bulking

Active substance: Testosterone Propionate