In the Western market as a drug testosterone enanthate first appeared in the mid-50s it was only at that point in the ester-based steroids. Much later, there are many products on the same basis.
In the West, the drug is widely used in medicine, particularly when low natural levels of testosterone in men treated.
In the Western market as a drug testosterone enanthate first appeared in the mid-50s it was only at that point in the ester-based steroids. Much later, there are many products on the same basis.
In the West, the drug is widely used in medicine, particularly when low natural levels of testosterone in men treated.
Testosterone enanthate was created and its synthesis by the addition of a variety of components.
In this case, the molecules to the esterified form of testosterone enanthate was added.
By itself, the drug has many subspecies on the basis of many different components.
The active ingredient is planted in ether and stored in fat deposits, and not divided immediately in full amount and gradually enters the blood.
The drug comprises molecules testosterone enanthate ester.
Because of this, it has a pronounced anabolic properties, accelerates protein synthesis (provides a positive nitrogen balance), and also provides other useful effects for the athlete. In men, testosterone is produced by the Leydig cells of the adrenal cortex and in women - only the adrenal cortex. Hormone - a product of peripheral metabolism, moreover, has very little activity as almost does not bind to androgen receptors. Testosterone is a prohormone. This means that before application of the androgen receptor, is processed (modified) by a specific enzyme - 5-alpha-reductase. Therefore, a hormone active form - dihydrotestosterone.
Enanthate - long acting ester. It should be noted that the exposure period depends on the individual characteristics of a person and can vary from two to three weeks. The half-life of 6-7 days.
The drug use
The use of the drug is recommended that adult athletes who have undergone a full medical examination. Injections were performed no more than twice a week. The dose is adjusted individually and depends on many factors. In general, safe range is 250 to 500 milligrams. With the increase in body weight can increase the amount administered. Testosterone enanthate alone average course lasts two to two and a half months, the rate of post-cycle therapy begins only after two or three weeks after the lifting of the steroid. If you are a beginner and do not know how to take testosterone enanthate, it is best to start with 250 milligrams, and monitoring the response.
In order to eliminate potential estrogenic side effects, it is best to use Proviron or other aromatase inhibitors - about 2-3 weeks of the course and up to 7 days for completion. If possible, it is useful to control the level of estradiol: allow to track the effectiveness of estrogen suppression "side effects". After the reception, to avoid losses to gain muscle mass you need to take cortisol blockers.
Combination with other drugs
An effective set of muscle mass will occur if the combined event receiving medications with others.
The preparation goes well with methandrostenolone, Anadrol, nandrolone.
In this case the dose of each drug is reduced to minimum recommended by the course. This is done in order to reduce or avoid possible manifestations of adverse side effects.
The product is perfect for use in muscle recruitment, burn excess fat in the body of an athlete.
Most people are satisfied with the quality of the typescript muscle mass. More than half of the athletes are unhappy pronounced recoil phenomenon. His views on testosterone enanthate say often a third or even more weight at the end of the course. maintain full figures is almost impossible.
However, drug efficacy was evaluated as high. It is produced by many domestic and foreign manufacturers. Listing them makes no sense, since this popular steroid enters the line almost all pharmaceutical companies and find opinions of testosterone enanthate a company that will not be difficult - in our forum is a discussion of many of the proposed products.
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