Testosterone Cypionate

€ 33.90

New product


Company: Hilma Biocare
Active Half-life (Days): 12 days
Group: Anabolic Steroids
Subgroup: Injection
Dosage: 250 mg/ml
Application (Men): 250-1000 mg a week
Product pack: 10ml vial
Content (active): Testosterone Cypionate
Oil-based: Yes
Retains water: Yes
Aromatization: Yes

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Product Overview:
Testosterone Cypionate emerges as another prominent androgenic steroid highly favored among athletes and bodybuilders across various sports disciplines and skill levels. Developed shortly after its counterpart, testosterone enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate gained popularity in the late 1930s. Distinguished by its longer active half-life compared to its predecessor, Testosterone Cypionate allows for reduced injection frequency. Demonstrating its efficacy over decades, Testosterone remains a favorite among bodybuilders worldwide.

With the utilization of Testosterone Cypionate, athletes witness enhanced muscle gains, elevated strength, and improved oxygenation of blood cells, fostering accelerated muscle and bone tissue regeneration. Moreover, it contributes to sexual well-being, cultivates a positive emotional state, and facilitates fat burning.

Common adverse reactions associated with Testosterone Cypionate include acne, temporary suppression of testosterone production, elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and aromatization.

Consider incorporating medication to regulate prolactin levels when using this product. Additionally, the inclusion of HGH, gonadotropin, boldenone, letrozole, exemestane, or anastrozole can help minimize side effects.

Combination Usage:
Testosterone Cypionate delivers outstanding results and can be safely combined with long esters and HGH.

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Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Cypionate


Company: Hilma Biocare
Active Half-life (Days): 12 days
Group: Anabolic Steroids
Subgroup: Injection
Dosage: 250 mg/ml
Application (Men): 250-1000 mg a week
Product pack: 10ml vial
Content (active): Testosterone Cypionate
Oil-based: Yes
Retains water: Yes
Aromatization: Yes