Bonavar Body Research (2,5 mg/tab) 50 tabs

€ 52.00

€ 60.00 per 49

New product

Product: Bonavar
Manufacturer: Body Research
Quantity: 2,5 mg/tablet
Pack: 50 tablets

Steroid cycle: cutting

Active substance: Oxandrolone

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Bonavar Body Research


Product: Bonavar, is Manufactured by: Body Research in Quantity of: 2,5 mg/tablet and Pack of: 50 tablets. It is a Steroid cycle used for cutting, containing active substance: Oxandrolone

Oxandrolone course and dose

The course is not very different from other classes of anabolic steroids.

In comparison with other steroids that gives great gain physical strength, which of course is crucial for those athletes who do not work as muscle growth, how to increase and improve his physical strength and muscular endurance.

Except that what does not give significant weight gain can be seen among the few downsides of the drug.

The dose also depends on the personal characteristics of the organism and its structure and physiological functions. In any case, it is not very different from many doses of these medications. You can ask further advice from the coach about the dose of steroids.


Oxandrolone is both an anabolic steroid and has some of the properties of an androgenic medication. The activities of the medication are like those seen with testosterone. At low measurements the medication has specific anabolic properties, however, at high dosages, it likewise has powerful androgenic action. At the point when utilized at high dosages, the medication can impact the hypothalamus and smother the arrival of the Gonadotropins and this prompts an abatement in the blend of testosterone. Like all other anabolic steroids, Oxandrolone additionally builds the levels of "terrible" LDL cholesterol and reductions the levels of "good" HDL cholesterol. It is one of only a handful couple of anabolic steroids which isn't changed over to estrogen at low measurements.


1. Increase in Muscle size:

Oxandrolone is an active steroid that increases the muscle size and mass because

of its anabolic nature.

2. Metabolism enhancement:

It quickly boosts up the Metabolism in the body that increase the testosterone

The synthetic drug is very useful for cutting and shedding helps in burning

the extra fat from the body.

Highly preferable for increasing the lean muscle mass and fat reduction.

3. Performance, Speed and power enhancements:

Athletes and sportsman use it for enhancing their performance and making better

They use this drug to power up themselves and increasing speed. It is very useful

for fast recovery.

4. Protein synthesis:

It actively stimulates protein cells and increased number of red blood cells.

5. Treatment of disease:

It is used to treat osteoporosis, helps to prevent protein catabolism. Oxandrolone

can increase the bone density, muscle size and enhance the muscle strength.


Oxandrolone effectively works for of the male hormones, including testosterone and

androsterone. Athletes and professional use this drug for gaining weight, increasing muscle

strength, better performance, speed, endurance, and aggressiveness.

This medicine is available at


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Bonavar Body Research (2,5 mg/tab) 50 tabs

Bonavar Body Research (2,5 mg/tab) 50 tabs

Product: Bonavar
Manufacturer: Body Research
Quantity: 2,5 mg/tablet
Pack: 50 tablets

Steroid cycle: cutting

Active substance: Oxandrolone