€ 33.00
New product
Product: D - Bol 100
Manufacturer: Max Pro
Quantity: 100 mg/ml
Pack: 10 ml
Steroid cycle: bulking
Active substance: Methandienone
Availability date:
D - Bol 100 (MAX PRO) 1000 mg/10 ml
D - Bol 100, Manufactured by: Max Pro in Quantity of: 1000 mg/ml and Pack of: 10 ml, Steroid cycle: used for bulking containing Active substance: Methandienone
This drug belongs to a group of injectable methandrostenolone, also known as Dianabol.
This drug is a derivative of testosterone ester, and at the same time has a strong androgenic and anabolic effects.
Also known as Dianabol, Danabol, Nerobol, Naposim, Dbol, Dianabol bodybuilding widespread slang term "meta". The common brand names: Anabolin, Bionabol, Degidrometiltestosteron, Metastenol, Novabol, Perabol, Perbolin, Pronabol, Stenolon, Anaboral, Vanabol "Dianoget" and many others) appeared injection methane formDianoget of Golden Dragon Pharmaceuticals (Hong Kong). Today there are a lot of defamatory information about Danabol. The authors exaggerate the toxic properties and do not reflect the anabolic activity. However, practice shows that rate duration methandrostenolone around 6 weeks at a dose of 30 mg per day may increase muscle mass in an 8-10 kg, with a consequent loss of 2-5 kg (called the rollback phenomenon). The phenomenon of reversion can be minimized if the course will be held correctly
Working mechanism:
Methandienone not just Enhance muscle size and quality, but Also provide conjunction with sufficient calories, great nutrition, and metabolic activity.
Another factor that has made it so notable among weightlifters is that it can ensure snappy muscle and quality increases
You can easily find it online on our website for taking the advantages of this biopeptide.
Get this medicine at http://isteroidi.it,
How to use:
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