Anavaros 10mg (Oxandrolone)

49,00 €

New product

  • Active ingredient: Oxandrolone
  • Type: Anabolic steroids (derived from DHT)
  • Form: Oral (tablets)
  • Stock:In Stock
  • Package:100 Tabs

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What is Anavar (Oxandrolone)?

Oxandrolone, also known by brand names such as Anavar, Oxandrine, Vasorome, and Anatrofill, is an anabolic steroid developed by Searle Laboratories and released as Anavar in 1964.

Oxandrolone is a synthetic androgen hormone, notable for its A ring being a heterocycle where the second carbon atom is replaced by an oxygen atom. It boasts low androgenic activity while having a strong anabolic index.

Initially, Oxandrolone was formulated to aid HIV-infected patients who were weakened, as well as individuals with Turner syndrome, anemia, burns, and those needing bone strengthening. It quickly gained popularity in the bodybuilding and fitness communities for its benefits.

Typically, Oxandrolone is sold in 10 mg tablet packs.

What is Anavar Used For?

Oxandrolone (Anavar) is commonly used in athletics to maintain performance, protect muscle mass, and speed up recovery between training sessions. It is not recommended for significant muscle mass building but is ideal for individuals with sufficient muscle mass and moderate body fat. Its primary purpose is to enhance muscle definition and reduce subcutaneous fat, giving muscles a more sculpted appearance.

Effects of Oxandrolone:

- Increases muscle relief and hardness
- Burns fat
- Increases growth hormone levels
- Enhances strength
- Can be used by women with a low risk of virilization
- No aromatization or estrogen-caused side effects
- Considered the safest anabolic steroid in terms of side effects

How to Take Oxandrolone

Before starting an Anavar cycle, it's important to get a blood test to check initial hormone levels and general health. If tests are normal, you can begin an Oxandrolone solo cycle.

First Cycle:

An Oxandrolone (Anavar) "solo" cycle typically enhances muscle definition and lasts 6-8 weeks. The starting dose is 20 mg per day, divided into two parts taken in the morning and early afternoon. After a week, increase the dosage to 40-80 mg per day, divided into three equal doses. Continue for 5-6 weeks if no side effects occur.

Two days after the cycle ends, start taking Tamoxifen at 10 mg per day or Clomid at 25 mg per day for 1-2 weeks to restore natural testosterone production.


- Men: 50 mg per day is common.
- Women: Start with 10 mg per day and gradually increase.

Oxandrolone pairs well with other steroids like testosterone or Masteron. Consult with Driada medical specialists to plan the best cycle for your goals.


The average elimination half-life is between 9 and 13 hours, so taking the medication twice a day is logical.

Side Effects

- Decreased appetite
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Suppression of natural testosterone
- Reduced fertility
- Increased blood pressure
- Acne
- Baldness
- Deterioration of lipid profile

Risks of High Dosages

While no cases of overdose with oxandrolone have been identified, excessive dosages can significantly increase negative side effects. It's not recommended to exceed the recommended dosages without consulting a doctor.


Oxandrolone is a safe option for beginner athletes, women, and those looking to burn fat or enhance performance. If you prefer avoiding injections, Anavar (Oxandrolone) can be ordered online.

Why Choose Us?

Driada is a reliable online store where trust is our foundation. Our priority is to establish a long-lasting, trustworthy partnership with you, upholding honesty and integrity in all interactions. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals.

Where to Buy Anavar?

The internet offers many options for purchasing Anavar. To ensure quality, consider our recommendations.

For quality Anavar (Oxandrolone) tablets, you can use our shop. We offer more than just Anavar; we provide various products for your growth and wellness.

Why Buy Anavar?

For a safe first cycle or to try anabolic steroids for the first time, purchasing 10 mg Oxandrolone tablets online is a good decision.

FAQ about Anavar

Is it legal to buy Anavar (Oxandrolone) online?

Anavar is not classified as a narcotic, but in some countries, it requires a prescription. Large purchases may raise suspicion.

Is it safe to take Anavar?

When following guidelines, Anavar is one of the safest anabolic steroids. It is used by doctors in some countries to treat children.

Will I lose my hair on Anavar?

Anavar has a low risk of causing baldness, making it one of the steroids with the least side effects.

Will I build muscle on Anavar?

Anavar primarily enhances performance and burns fat, making it suitable for cutting cycles. It can aid in muscle building but is mainly used for performance enhancement.

Does Anavar help burn fat?

Fat burning is a primary function of Oxandrolone, tested by many athletes.

What does Anavar do to men?

Anavar is one of the safest steroids, with no specific negative effects on men. Natural testosterone production decreases slightly but returns to normal after discontinuation. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is recommended.

Why Choose Us?

Driada is committed to establishing a trustworthy partnership, offering quality products and guidance to help you achieve your goals.

Where to Buy Anavar?

For reliable, lab-tested Anavar, visit our online shop. We ensure quality and safety in all our products.

Why Buy Anavar?

Anavar is an excellent choice for a safe first cycle or for those new to anabolic steroids. Its ability to enhance performance and burn fat makes it a popular choice.