History of testosterone has many decades.
For example, in 1935, Ernеst Lako sintetizо crystal male hormone.
In the same year, the German biochemist Butenandt achieved and to describe the structure of testosterone, and a few weeks after this, the Yugoslav biochemist Leopold Ruzicka was synthesized from cholesterol.
History of testosterone has many decades.
For example, in 1935, Ernеst Lako sintetizо crystal male hormone.
In the same year, the German biochemist Butenandt achieved and to describe the structure of testosterone, and a few weeks after this, the Yugoslav biochemist Leopold Ruzicka was synthesized from cholesterol.
As the primary male sex hormone, it is responsible for the growth and development of the male body. This feature is widely used in medicine, sport and later.
In the second half of the 20th century, a large amount based on previous research has shown the importance of testosterone in sport. In the market there are many manufacturers who have the technology to synthesize and produce artificial male sex hormone and combine it with other molecules of many substances.
Therefore, in the market there are many types of testosterone, they had in their composition in adding certain components.
Testosterone Propionate - this is one of the most popular bodybuilding steroids.
It is designed for the development of athletic performance and muscle mass of the athlete.
Testosterone propionate - is one of the plurality of esters hormones.
Testosterone - a hormone that serves as the basic molecule for most preparations hormone (androgen). By changing the testosterone molecule (addition or removal of atoms) synthesized by one or the other drug. For example testosterone propionate - testosterone molecule to which a propionic acid ester, namely, that determines the pharmacological properties and characteristics of the effect of the substance.
It is characterized by its high androgenic and anabolic activity in the body.
In human blood after taking the drug, it acts in a way that increases the level of insulin in the body, particularly in the human liver and muscles activates the muscle cell proliferation in tissues. This property is very important in the recovery of muscle tissue after training.
Note that all the esters have similar mechanisms of action, the difference in the activity and is the main goal of the action.
The main effects of taking the drug are to increase lean body mass, improves relief of core muscles, increase athletic performance, libido, reducing the risk of diseases of cardiovascular disease.
It has short duration. Injections are generally performed every two days. This is one of the main drawbacks of propionate application compared with its analogues longer life, such as enanthate.
The drug use
Testosterone propionate is not like using a sharp increase in body weight of 5-6 kg a couple of weeks in the same enanthate, propionate but written with muscle mass will be drier and better. Once in the body, it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, so that work can feel propionate after the first injection. And just as quickly he deduced. For the above reasons, when working on the weight of athletes prefer enanthate, propionate and often used in the drying. Suitable athletes of all levels, from beginners to the more experienced.
As the only steroid in the course, but the best effect is achieved when combined with other drugs. Start using anabolic agents athletes may recommend a dose of 50 mg of propionate every two days. The usual dose of the most experienced athletes propionate 100 mg a day or more.
Be sure to take anti-estrogen drugs, such Proviron or aromatase inhibitors as usual, from the second week to prevent the development of gynecomastia, water retention, and other effects of estrogen. After the introduction of post-therapy cycle is carried out, is the most commonly used tamoxifen. Furthermore, it is desired that the output of cortisol blockers to preserve reception weight gain. Be sure to follow the diet for a set of weights, and take sports nutrition.
Combination with other drugs
In the step of drying the body the drug is well with stanozolol, trenbolone, Masteron.
Therefore propionate is used in a dose of about 50 mg every other day, Winstrol 10 mg to 30 mg per day. After 6 weeks you need to gradually abolish the use of steroids and move to the post-cycle therapy required courses.
This course appears synergistic effect of drugs, which means that the total effect of the simultaneous use of more than the simple sum of the effects if each used individually, while reducing the risk of side effects. Some experienced athletes make local injection into the target muscle propionate, for example in the biceps, deltoids, the leg to the floor, but the effectiveness of this approach has not been proven.
The product is a good choice for building muscle and building extrusion body, from the point of view of the possible side effects.
However, compared to enanthate, its price is higher, although anabolic drugs almost the same.
It goes well with many other steroids, allowing the combination with other drugs during reception.
Product: PropioJectManufacture: EurochemQuantity: 100 mg/mlPack: 10...
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Product: PropionateManufacture: LA PharmaQuantity: 100 mg/mlPack: 1...
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Specifications: Company: Hilma BiocareActive Half-life (Days): 2 to...