

For the first time oxandrolone was created in 1962. In medicine, appeared because the company "Siarl" which sold to markets in the US and the Netherlands under the name Anavar.

Every year, the drug's popularity grew and soon appeared in the markets of Australia, Germany, France, England.

Oxandrolone was developed primarily as a mild ...


For the first time oxandrolone was created in 1962. In medicine, appeared because the company "Siarl" which sold to markets in the US and the Netherlands under the name Anavar.

Every year, the drug's popularity grew and soon appeared in the markets of Australia, Germany, France, England.

Oxandrolone was developed primarily as a mild anabolic agent, which can even be used by women or children.

So what is moderation? The soft effect on major organs and life support systems.

Thanks to the beneficial properties of the drug, in medicine, was used as the primary means to combat the depletion of the body to recover from injuries and serious illnesses, infections during chronic administration of corticosteroids for the treatment of osteoporosis in patients.
In 1989, in reference to the invention and market introduction of new and modern at the time and drugs for the treatment of the above diseases, drug production is gradually reduced until its total disappearance.

However, in 1995 with experiments aimed at finding new ways to treat patients with HIV / AIDS, doctors were forced to return to the use of oxandrolone forgotten six years ago.
In addition, the mid-90s of last century, research trials showed that the drug has a beneficial effect in the treatment of patients with hepatitis.

Moreover, the drug has found its application in pediatrics. In particular, it is used as a means to combat stunting in children.
The notable increase in popularity when the forgotten and disappeared from drug trafficking, has reached a monopoly.

Patients from around the world were outraged by the behavior of the company manufacturer, which sold the drug for $ 30.
At the same time, it is worth noting that in 1989, which costs only slightly less than 4 $ - 3.75.

Fearing competition and increase the possibility of forgery, the manufacturer a few years however was forced to reduce the price of the drug.
To date, it remains available outside the United States, although not as widely used.

Oxandrolone - it is a synthetic steroid.
Its main feature is that the heterocyclic ring A is another, wherein the second carbon atom is replaced by oxygen.
Because of this, creating the effect of an extremely low androgenic activity.

Therefore, high efficiency is maintained anabolic formulation.
Among all known steroids currently known for their immunostimulatory effect.
significantly increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin.

Oxandrolone can be synthesized from dehydroepiandrosterone.
Advantages of the chemical composition of the drug: given a large increase in strength as not aromatize this steroid (not converted to estrogen). Also, if you need to get rid of fat, this product is good in combination with a diet, but also by loss of appetite, and will not eat much. Upon receiving this steroid has no side effects such as high blood pressure (because no water accumulates). One of the main advantages of this steroid have any effect on own testosterone production in the body!
By oxandrolone least itself does not provide a large gain in only gains weight and strength (good enough, because even weightlifters and powerlifters is used), sometimes stomach upset occurs.

In addition, under some of the components of the formulation, an athlete can have side effects.

These include:
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, if taken for a long time makes the burden on the liver.

In general, all the side effects, as the drug is optimal and smooth in a human body.

The drug use
The widespread use of the drug was mainly in medicine, where it was used as the primary means for the treatment of people infected with HIV; in the treatment of osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, Turner syndrome, recovery from burns, diabetes second degree, to facilitate the passage of prolonged bed rest.

Soon, the drug was widely used in bodybuilding, where it was used as one of the main tools for the beautiful relief of muscle, burn body fat, increase strength and improve the level of growth hormone produced.

Oxandrolone is widely used in medicine for children and women. In children, perfectly it restores the skin (after burns). In addition, it can be safe to give young athletes to improve their athletic performance. This medicine will not interfere with the hormonal system of the body. And it will not cause further complications.

Oxandrolone in sports power is often used among major cycles of anabolic steroids. As I mentioned above, it is a good anti-catabolic and does not suppress the production of testosterone. This allows you to keep writing day on the main muscle mass and at the same time to restore its own hormones. That is, it allows the body to relax and other side effects anabolic steroids, muscle, and meanwhile maintain.

In combination with oxandrolone stanozolol used to increase muscle strength without increasing weight. This is especially true for those who do not want to go beyond his weight class before the competition.
Your property does not increase body weight and protect muscles from disintegration is very useful when dried. Very often it is used when necessary to make the body as much as possible relief, but at the same time maintaining muscle.

Oxandrolone is also suitable for those who want to try steroids first. If your body is still "not used" for anabolic that even small doses of oxandrolone will feel an increase in energy rates.

Combination with other drugs
To avoid some of the side effects of the drug, as well as to increase its effectiveness, it is recommended to combine the course of taking oxandrolone with drugs such as Sustanon, testosterone, Primobolan.

Remember that the drug intake course include a large androgenic effect combined with oxandrolone dose should not exceed 40 mg per day.

The product is ideal in preparing athletes for competition in order to reduce the amount of body fat, increase athletic performance and muscle mass.

It is a relatively safe steroid, as evidenced by many bodybuilders use by women around the world.


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